Contact R. Gregory Hyden
750 Park of Commerce Boulevard, Suite 210
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Fax: 561.982.7116
- Florida, 2007
- Florida State University College of Law, J.D. 2007, Book Award in Education Law
- University of South Florida, B.A. in Political Science and minor in International Studies, cum laude, 2004
- The Florida Bar, Young Lawyers Division
- St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church
- Guardian ad litem, 15th Judicial Circuit
Gregory Hyden is a shareholder at Nason Yeager. Mr. Hyden works in the litigation practice group primarily in the areas of land-use litigation, governmental litigation, probate litigation, guardianship and family law. Mr. Hyden holds a Juris Doctor degree from Florida State University.
A firm believer in stewardship, Mr. Hyden supports many charitable organizations including the Palm Beach County Guardian Ad Litem Program where he serves as a pro bono Guardian Ad Litem, St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Boca Raton and is active with the Palm Beach Preservation Board’s 1878 series.
Mr. Hyden has published the law review article “Welcome to the Episcopal Church, Now Please Leave: An Analysis of the Supreme Court Approved Methods of Settling Church Property Disputes in the Context of the Episcopal Church and How Courts Erroneously Ignore the Role of the Anglican Community”. 44 Williamette L. Rev. 541. Said article has been cited in the Appellant-Petitioner’s brief in Huber v. Jackson to the Court of Appeal of California from the Superior Court of Los Angeles as well as other law review journal articles.